CES English Senior 28

28장   At the restaurant.

Dialogue 1

Waitress : Have you been served?
종업원 : 주문하셨습니까?
Mr. Kim : No.
미스터 김 : 아니오.
Waitress : Then, may I take your order, sir?
종업원 : 그럼, 주문하시겠습니까?
Mr. Kim : Let me see the menu first.
미스터 김 : 먼저 메뉴 판을 볼게요.
Waitress : Here you are, sir.
종업원 : 여기 있어요.
Mr. Kim : Okay.
미스터 김 : 예.
Mr. Kim : Well... what do you recommend?
미스터 김 : 저... 무엇을 추천해 주시겠어요.?
Waitress : Today's special is steak, sir.
종업원 : 오늘 특별 요리는 스테이크입니다.
Mr. Kim : I'd like to have a steak, please.
미스터 김 : 스테이크를 먹기로 하죠.
Waitress : How would you like your steak?
종업원 : 스테이크를 어떻게 해 드릴까요?
Mr. Kim : Medium, please?
미스터 김 : 중간 정도로 구워 주시겠어요?
Waitress : Soup or salad?
종업원 : 수프나 샐러드 중에 어느 것을?
Mr. Kim : Salad with French dressing, please.
미스터 김 : 프렌치 드레싱을 곁들인 샐러드를 주세요.
Waitress : Would you care for anything to drink?
종업원 : 마실 것을 원하세요?
Mr. Kim : No, thanks. Just water will be fine.
미스터 김 : 아니오, 괜찮아요. 물이면 충분해요.

Dialogue 2

Waitress : May I take your order, please?
종업원 : 주문하시겠어요?
Peter : Yes. I'd like a hamburger and French fries, please.
피터 : 예. 햄버거하고 감자 튀김 주세요.
Waitress : All right, and would you like a salad?
종업원 : 알겠습니다. 샐러드를 먹을 건가요?
Peter : Yes, I'll have a small salad.
피터 : 예. 샐러드 작은 것으로 주세요.
Waitress : OK. What kind of dressing would you like?   We have French and Italian dressing.
종업원 : 알겠습니다. 어떤 종류의 드레싱을 원하세요? 프렌치 드레싱과  이탈리안 드레싱 이 있는데요.
Peter : Italian, please.
피터 : 이탈리안 드레싱으로 주세요.
Waitress : And would you like anything to drink?
종업원 : 마실 것을 원하세요?
Peter : I'd like a small Coke, please.
피터 : 콜라 작은 컵으로 주세요.
Waitress : It'll only be a few minutes.
종업원 : 잠깐만 기다리세요.


Waiter : Are you ready to order, Miss?
Nancy : Yes, I'd like spaghetti and French fries.
Waiter : And what would you like, sir?
Peter : I'll have an apple pie and an orange juice.
Waiter : Would you like anything else?
Peter : Not right now, thank you.
Nancy : There's one thing I'd like to make clear before we eat.
Peter : What's that?
Nancy : Let's go Dutch for lunch. I'll pay for my food and you'll pay for yours

28장   발음 클리닉(Pronounciation Clinic)

제8장 have to와 got to의 축약

우리가 자주 쓰는 단어인 '∼해야만 한다.'의 have to는 대부분의 사람들이 잘못 발음하고 있습니다. have to에서 have의 v가 t를 닮아 [f]로 발음되어 have to[해브 터]가 아니라 [해프(_?) 터]로 발음해야 하는데도 여전히 우리나라 영어 학습자들은 [해브 터]로 발음하고 있습니다. 그럼 이 장에서는 이런 have to의 발음을 바로잡고 got to의 축약형 gotta에 대해서 학습하겠습니다. 먼저 긴 발음과 축약된 발음을 들어보세요.

long : have to (해브 투) -> short : have to (해프(_?) 터)
long : has to (해즈 투) -> short : has to (해스 터)
long : got to [gat tu] -> short : got to [gatta] -> very short : got to [gara]
(같 투)(가타)(가라)

한 번 따라해 보세요.

long : have to (해브 투) -> short : have to (해프(_?) 터)
long : has to (해즈 투) -> short : has to (해스 터)
long : got to [gat tu] -> short : got to [gatta] -> very short : got to [gara]
(같 투)(가타)(가라)

이제 문장과 함께 연습해 보세요. 먼저 긴 발음과 축약된 발음을 들어 보세요.

long : I have to go now. -> short : I have to go now.
long : You have to rest. -> short : You have to rest.
long : You have to buy a new car. -> short : You have to buy a new car.
long : Do you have to leave now? -> short : Do you have to leave now?
long : Do I have to go with you? -> short : Do I have to go with you?
long : He has to come again. -> short : He has to come again.
long : It has to be you. -> short : It has to be you.
long : I got to go now. -> short : I got to go now.
long : You got to do it. -> short : You got to do it.
long : He's got to rest. -> short : He's got to rest.
이제 한 번 따라해 보세요.

long : I have to go now. -> short : I have to go now.
long : You have to rest. -> short : You have to rest.
long : You have to buy a new car. -> short : You have to buy a new car.
long : Do you have to leave now? -> short : Do you have to leave now?
long : Do I have to go with you? -> short : Do I have to go with you?
long : He has to come again. -> short : He has to come again.
long : It has to be you. -> short : It has to be you.
long : I got to go now. -> short : I got to go now.
long : You got to do it. -> short : You got to do it.
long : He's got to rest. -> short : He's got to rest.

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