Hotel California

Brooke Russell
On a dark des-ert high-way Cool wind in my hair Warm-smell if
co-li-tas ris-ing up
through the air Up a-head on the dis-tance I saw a shim-mer-ing
light My head my heav-y
and my sight grrew dim I had to stop for the night There she
stood in the door-way I
heard the mis-sion bell And I was think-ing to my-self-this
could be heaven and this
could be hell Than she lit-up a cam-dle and she showed me the
way There were voic-es
down the cor-ti-dor I thought I heard them say Wel-cone-to
the Hotel Cal-i-for-nia Such
a love-ly place (such a love-ly place) They Plen-ty of room-at
the Ho-tel Cal-i-for-nia
An-y time-of year-(an-y time-of year-) You can find-it here
al-i-bis Her mine is Tif-fa-
ny twist-ed she got the Mer-ce-des Benz She got a lit of
pret-ty,pret-ty boys-that she
calls friendsHow they dance in the court-yard sweet
sum-mer sweat some dance to
re-mem-ber some dance to for-get So I called up the cap-tain

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