Exousia - Extreme Love
Welcome To The Kingdom Of Ligh
Forgive them because they don't know,
What they are doing...
Darkness covered the earth in the middle of the day,
The blood wet the mountain of Calvary.
Extreme love he showed, his son delivered,
eternal love he gave us, from heaven he descended.
Some people condemned Him,
others betrayed him,
others criticized Him,
but some others still love him.
Brutal death
we load on to you,
but even the death
couldn't stop you.
Extreme love he showed,
sacrifice of blood,
dying for us,
you gave us forgiveness.
Extreme Love you gave us forgiveness...///
Y JES? dec?: PADRE, perd?alos, porque no saben lo que hacen. Y repartieron entre s?sus vestidos, echando suertes.
San Lucas 23:34
Y desde la hora sexta hubo tinieblas sobre toda la tierra hasta la hora novena.
San Mateo 27:45
Y ?, cargando su cruz, sali?al lugar llamado de la Calavera, y en hebreo, G?gotha.
San Juan 19:17
Porque de tal manera am?DIOS al mundo, que ha dado a su HIJO UNIG?ITO, para que todo aquel que en ? cree, no se pierda, mas tenga VIDA ETERNA.
San Juan 3:16