가수, 노래, 앨범, 가사내용 검색이 가능합니다.

Ougon no Condor Pal

黄金のコンドル黄金のコンドルよ翔べよ 翔べよ夢から夢への 飛び石を大空を金色に染めよ 染めよ希望という名の羽ばたきでOVER THE MOUNTAINOVER THE SEAOVER THE RAINBOWOVER THE DREAM危機一髪の つむじ風ぼくらをさらって とびたてば奇跡の影の蜃気楼彼方に 彼方に見えて来る翔べ 翔べ 翔べ黄金のコンドル黄金のコンドルよ怒れ 怒れ地球をくわえろ ...

Ougon No Hibi Eve

痛いくらい 刺すような光が이타이쿠라이 사스요오나 히카리가아플 정도로 찌르는 듯한 빛이瞼の裏に焼き付いて 離さないんだ마부타노 우라니 야키츠이테 하나사나인다눈꺼풀 뒤에 눌어붙어 떨어지지 않아嫌だよ一生 こんなもんじゃないんだ이야다요 잇쇼오 콘나몬쟈 나인다싫어 평생 이런 게 아니야ありあまる衝動 焦らす鼓動音が아리아마루 쇼오도오 지라스 코도-온가너무나 많은 충동 애태...

condor 문차일드

내가 옳은 건지 또 틀린건지 잘 모르겠어 가끔 그렇게 헷갈리는 것조차 두려웠어 내가 원하는게 또 무엇인지 잘 모르겠어 가면 갈수록 모자라는 것 밖엔 보이지 않아 rap)끝도 보이지 않았던 tower 싸워 오르고 또 올랐던 power 끝내 정상에 올라섰던 winner 하지만 시작에 불과했던걸 안 너 자꾸 내앞에 다가서던 실패 죽기 살기로 버텨내던 불패...

Condor Ave Elliott Smith

She took the oldsmobile out past condor ave And she locked the car and slipped past into rythmic queitude lights burning Voice dry and hoarse I threw the screen door like a bastard back And forth

Sora wa Nanatsu no Koi no Iro Pal

虹のかなたに 広がる夢は 旅でふれあう見知らぬ人に 訪ねてみたい 君のふるさと 会わせてほしい 君のともだち 明日に乾杯 明日は高らかに 空は七つの 恋の色 翼かがやき 雲をつきぬけ 今日も翔びたつ 747 虹のかなたに 逃げるな夢よ 時のいたづら ふしぎな出逢い 信じたくない 風のたよりを 忘れはしない 人のきづなを 明日は逢えるか 明日はあの人に 空は七つの 恋の色 心ときめき 今は羽ばたく 愛を届けて 747

Omoide no KOBE Pal

たった一度のめぐり逢いがきっと一つに心を結びたった一度のふれあいがきっと一つのドラマに変わるOh, It's a Shiny Girl, Shiny Girl君の瞳は光を集めた コーヒーカップ (Beautiful)Beautiful, BeautifulKOBE めぐり逢いは いつでもドラマの様さ君がまぶしい KOBE 離したくない君の優しさみつけたたとえ名前も知らなくても少し優しい言葉が...

Sorezore no Utopia Pal

それぞれのユートピアいつの日か 緑の島が空をとび手をふることがあるかもしれない人はみな 心の中を見せあってほほえむことがあるかもしれないそれぞれのユートピア抱きしめてそれぞれのユートピア胸に秘めどこかにあると いつかは行けると若い思いは眠らないオオ マイ ユートピアいつの日か 言葉を話す鳥に逢いときめくことがあるかもしれない誰もみな 忘れた愛をとり戻し歌える時が来るかもしれないそれぞれのユー...

Asa no Jokei Pal

カーテンごし 白い光 君のほほに 絵を描いて小鳥の影 動いても眠りの中 まだ君は包まれてまぶしい 肩先き くちびる寄せればまつ毛が 少し 揺れる 横顔* このまま この世界 終わりを つげても恐れなど 今はない 君さえ いるならこのまま この世界 終わりを つげても恐れなど 今はない 君さえ 腕の中に窓をあけて 風を呼べば 耳許から くすぐって君はやっと うす眼あけて僕をみつめ でも君は夢の...

Futaridake no Holiday Pal

二人だけのホリデイ海のまぶしい陽ざし 体に浴びたい君は言ったよ だから今は Seaside Highway翼拡げて 車 離陸するようだ君はハミングしては 横顔みつめ ウインク二人だけの Holiday そうさ都会を離れて二人だけの Holiday そうさ すてきな一日今日は君だけを 僕はみつめていよう海に抱かれながらもしも二人 一緒に生きられなくても想い出せばほほえむ そんな想い出つくろう波...

Suna no Shiro Pal

想い出したよ あの日のこと 海辺の出来事をいつか 僕と暮らせる様にと砂で お城を つくりはじめた子供みたいに 無邪気な君 その時叫び声砂の城が 波に さらわれて崩れていった 二人の夢が何故 こんなに 愛しているのに何を 君は 恐れてるの教えて 涙の 理由を想い出したよ あの夜のこと 沈んだ雨の街いつも二人 待ちあわせた店に君は ぽつんと お酒飲んでた扉をあける 足音にも 背中を 向けたまま声...

Koi no Maho Pal

今 夢の中誘うようにあなたの笑顔 すぐそこまで心はもう トキメキ弾むよいつのまに 恋の魔法今 雲の上 ゆれる私世界中を 旅する二人で心は溶けてゆくよ 空に雲のじゅうたんに 乗ってく二人は 恋する天使よ七色の 海を越えて透き通る 風を追いこしどこまでも 飛んで行くよほら見えるでしょ 小さな家おもちゃの国へ 行ったみたい時を越えて どこまで行くのか消えないで 恋の魔法二人を乗せて 空の果てへ永遠...

Ephemeral (feat. Yanaginagi) Kosemura Akira

Kaze na biku ougon no hane karoyaka ni odoru you yureru ho ni tsutsumare te yomigaeru ano koukei hiiro no juutan ha akaku hoo some te yuku kimi no yokogao ni fure te recall me that sight kaze na

Omoide no Summer Breeze Pal

Bye Bye Summer Breeze微笑ってサヨナラ言うよBye Bye Summer Breezeもう僕は平気さ夏に切った髪が肩までのびて秋の風の中で君は遠い人さ季節ひとつ過ぎて想い出だけが色づく葉のように夕陽に染まるよだから try try try泪あつめ空にとばしてみるよそうさ try try try明日になればキラメく虹に生まれ変わるBye Bye Summer Breeze微...

Koi no Memai ni Pal

危険な幻と(Ah...My Sweet Little Darling)今さら気付いても (Ah... All Of My Life)二人遅すぎて一愛した償いに (Ah... My Sweet Little Darling)この世をおわれても (Ah... All Of My Life)今はかまわないジニー! 聞かせて Love Time music!ジニー! 感じて Love Time Fe...

Yoake no My Way Pal

夜明けのマイウェイ悲しみをいくつかのりこえてみましたふり返るわたしの背中にまだ雨が光ってます走っている途中でときおりつらくなってふりかえりあなたの姿を追いかけてみもしましたでも夜はもうじき明けてゆきます今迄と違う朝が ガラスのようなまぶしい朝が 芽生え始めています悲しみをいくつかのりこえて来ましたふり返るわたしの後ろにほら虹がゆれてるでしょう※だからもうわたしは大丈夫です今までと違う夢が 次...

Funsui no Aru Fukei Pal

噴水のある風景Woo Woo……泉にあふれた (あふれた) 水のキラメキが (キラメキ)昔の日のことなど Woo Woo想い出させる鏡にうつせぬ(うつせぬ) 幻がいつつ (まぼろし)背中をかすめて行く Woo Woo流れるごとく――(時はすぎ去って……)Tay YayWoo Woo Ah Ah Woo Woo Woo何を残すのか――泉のほとりで (A Fountain Blue)夢を数えてる...

Ashita no Kaze ni Pal

深い森の並木道 あなたの思い出抱いてひとり歩く 夕日の木もれ日は あの日のままねいつか芽生えた あなたへの愛も今では 消えゆくかげろう私の明日よ 輝いてくれますか?明日の風たちよ 運んで来てくれますか?新しい夢を ささやかな愛をやさしい言葉を聞いた時 心はときめいていたそうよ私 小鳥の囁きも あの日のままねどこへともなく 流れる涙よあなたの 思い出も流して私の明日よ 輝いてくれますか?明日の...

el condor pasa Simon & Garfunkel

SELF CONTROL Sung by Laura Branigan Oh,the night is my world City lights painted girls In the day noting matters It's the night time that matters In the night no control Through the wall

el condor pasa Simon & Garfunkel

SELF CONTROL Sung by Laura Branigan Oh,the night is my world City lights painted girls In the day noting matters It's the night time that matters In the night no control Through the wall

Sunao ni Douzo Pal

心に涙をかくすなんて 愛してるのに 愛さないふり それじゃ No chance, No chance だから Show me your natural heart すなおにどうぞ (その時) あなたは 自由な翼を持つでしょう だから Show me your natural heart すなおにどうぞ (その時) あなたは 自由な翼を持つでしょう いつか通り雨に みんな流されればいい そうだろ まるで

OK Pal M83

you think I feel when I when I`m kissing you Somewhere else somewhere else somewhere else We`re walking in the streets or what`s left of them I take your hand and the city is slowly vanishing There`s no

Pal-Treaux Rx Bandits

What you want is what you findout Once you believe that you don't really need it Here we are at the rest of our lives and I'm afraid That we no longer need it I'll wait for the next one It looks like our

El Condor Pasa Simon & Garfunkel

I'd ratherer be a sparrow than a snail Yes I would If I could I surely would Hm hm I'd rather be a hammer than a nail Yes I would If I only could I surely would Hm hm A way I'd rather sail...

El Condor Pasa Markahuasi

El Condor Pasa의 instrumental을 찾고 있습니다 : : 왜 있지 않습니까? Andes산맥,잉카,솜브렐로비스한 모자,칼라풀한 망또, 염소수염,꾀죄죄한 남미 친구들이 팬플룻(장피르것보다는 짧고,낮은것)과 기타등으로 연주 하는 El Condor Pasa를 찾고있습니다.

El Condor Pasa Simon and Garfunkel

I'd rather be a sparrow than a snail Yes I would If I could I surely would I'd rather be a hammer than a nail Yes I would If I only could I surely would Away,I'd rather sail away Like a swan tha...

El Condor Pasa Dana Winner

El Condor Pasa I\'d rather be a sparrow than a snail 달팽이보다는 참새가 되겠어 Yes I would, if I could, I surely would 할 수만 있다면 꼭 그럴거야 I\'d rather be a hammer than a nail 못보다는 망치가 될거야 Yes I would

El Condor Pasa Simon and Garfunkel

I'd rather be a sparrow than a snail Yes I would If I could I surely would I'd rather be a hammer than a nail Yes I would If I only could I surely would Away, I'd rather sail away Like a swan that...

El Condor Pasa Simon & Garfunkel

I'd ratherer be a sparrow than a snail Yes I would If I could I surely would Hm hm I'd rather be a hammer than a nail Yes I would If I only could I surely would Hm hm A way I'd rather sail...

El Condor Pasa art garfunkel

El Condor Pasa - Simon & Garfunkel I'd rather be a sparrow than a snail. Yes I would if I could I surely would. Hm hm... I'd rather be a hammer than a nail.

El Condor Pasa Simon and Garfunkel

I'd rather be a sparrow than a snail Yes I would If I could I surely would I'd rather be a hammer than a nail Yes I would If I only could I surely would Away, I'd rather sail away Like a swan that...

El condor pasa 등려군

항상 아름다운 꽃만 피는 건 아니예요 (好花不常開) 하오후아부창카이 멋진 경치만 있는 것도 아니죠 (好景不常在) 하오징부창짜이 슬픔이 쌓여서 웃음을 지워버리고 (愁堆解笑眉) 초우뒈이지에시아오메이 눈물로 빚은 술이 그리움을 몰고 와요 (漏酒相思帶) 레이지우씨앙쓰따이 오늘 저녁 이별을 하고 나면 (今索離別後) 진씨아리비에허우 임은 언제 다시 오시...

El Condor Pasa Los Angelitos Aquiles

K?zi a let?t?t. Felt?tve 2011.03.19.---@....TFM..2010 Ripp: 2011.03.19.---@....TFM..2010 signature by tifon. [TFM] ENJOY. [TIFON] K?zi a let?t?t. Felt?tve 2011.03.19.---@....TFM..2010 Ripp: 2011.0...

El Condor Pasa Fernando Lima

www.emulemexico.com-------------------------------------->>>>>>>>>>>>>>La mejor opcion para compartir

El condor pasa 鄧麗君

항상 아름다운 꽃만 피는 건 아니예요 (好花不常開) 하오후아부창카이 멋진 경치만 있는 것도 아니죠 (好景不常在) 하오징부창짜이 슬픔이 쌓여서 웃음을 지워버리고 (愁堆解笑眉) 초우뒈이지에시아오메이 눈물로 빚은 술이 그리움을 몰고 와요 (漏酒相思帶) 레이지우씨앙쓰따이 오늘 저녁 이별을 하고 나면 (今索離別後) 진씨아리비에허우 임은 언제 다시 오시...

El Condor Pasa Los Rupay

K?zi a let?t?t. Felt?tve 2011.07.14.---@....TFM..2010 Ripp: 2011.07.14.---@....TFM..2010 signature by tifon. [TFM] ENJOY. [TIFON]...@...TFM...2011... K?zi a let?t?t. Felt?tve 2011.07.14.---@.......

El Condor Pasa Simon&Garfunkel

                    SayClub TroubaDours ∼♡ 음악과 함께 행복하고 즐거운 삶 ♡ ㅋㅏ라시니코ㄹㅏ

El Condor Pasa Simon&Garfunkel (사이먼 앤 가펑클)

                    SayClub TroubaDours ∼♡ 음악과 함께 행복하고 즐거운 삶 ♡ ㅋㅏ라시니코ㄹㅏ


I'd rather be a sparrow than a snail. Yes I would if I could. I surely would hmn. I'd rather be a hammer than a nail. Yes I would if I only could. I surely would hmn. Away. I'd rather sail...

El Condor Pasa 이생강

I'd rather be a sparrow than a snail 달팽이보다는 참새가 되겠어 Yes I would, if I could, I surely would 할 수만 있다면 꼭 그럴거야 I'd rather be a hammer than a nail 못보다는 망치가 될거야 Yes I would, if I only could, 할 수만 있다면 그렇...

El Condor Pasa Saito Juko

I'd rather be a sparrow than a snail 달팽이보다는 참새가 되겠어 Yes I would, if I could, I surely would 할 수만 있다면 꼭 그럴거야 I'd rather be a hammer than a nail 못보다는 망치가 될거야 Yes I would, if I only could, 할 수만 있다면 그렇...

El Condor Pasa Paul Mauriat

I'd rather be a sparrow than a snail.Yes I would.If I could,I surely would.I'd rather be a hammer than a nail.Yes I would.If I only could,I surely would.CHORUSAway, I'd rather sail awayLike a swan ...

EL CONDOR PASA Kryzler & Kompany

I'd rather be a sparrow than a snail 달팽이보다는 참새가 되겠어 Yes I would, if I could, I surely would 할 수만 있다면 꼭 그럴거야 I'd rather be a hammer than a nail 못보다는 망치가 될거야 Yes I would, if I only could, 할 수만 있다면 그렇...

El Condor Pasa John Williams(John Christopher Williams)

I'd rather be a sparrow than a snail 달팽이보다는 참새가 되겠어 Yes I would, if I could, I surely would 할 수만 있다면 꼭 그럴거야 I'd rather be a hammer than a nail 못보다는 망치가 될거야 Yes I would, if I only could, 할 수만 있다면 그렇...

El Condor Pasa Memorias Musicales del Mariachi

I'd rather be a sparrow than a snail 달팽이보다는 참새가 되겠어 Yes I would, if I could, I surely would 할 수만 있다면 꼭 그럴거야 I'd rather be a hammer than a nail 못보다는 망치가 될거야 Yes I would, if I only could, 할 수만 있다면 그렇...

El Condor Pasa Anthony Ventura

I'd rather be a sparrow than a snail 달팽이보다는 참새가 되겠어 Yes I would, if I could, I surely would 할 수만 있다면 꼭 그럴거야 I'd rather be a hammer than a nail 못보다는 망치가 될거야 Yes I would, if I only could, 할 수만 있다면 그렇...

El Condor Pasa Perry Como

"I'd rather be a sparrow than a snail, Yes, I would, If I could, I surely would, hmm I'd rather be a hammer than a nail, Yes, I would, If I only could, I surely would, hmm Away, I'd rather sail awa...

El Condor Pasa Various Artists

I'd rather be a sparrow than a snail.Yes I would if I could.I surely wouldhmn.I'd rather be a hammer than a nail.Yes I would if I only could.I surely wouldhmn.Away.I'd rather sail awayLike a swanth...

El Condor Pasa Paul Simon

I'd rather be a sparrow than a snailYes I would, if I could, I surely wouldI'd rather be a hammer than a nailYes I would, if I only could, I surely wouldAway, I'd rather sail awayLike a swan that's...


I'd rather be a sparrow than a snailYes I wouldIf I could,I surely wouldI'd rather be a hammer than a railYes I would.If I only could.I surely would.Away, I'd rather sail awayLike a swan that's her...

No Reaction Radio 4

The long and short of it is There's no reaction Oh well the long and short of it is There's no reaction People gather in cities world 'round See them everywhere Right to assemble and to speak out loud