가수, 노래, 앨범, 가사내용 검색이 가능합니다.

drone senkaichu Sakurazaka46

チャイム鳴って スケートボードで飛び出すポニーテールの君を追いかけたいけどモタモタしてちゃ 追いつかないじゃん僕の恋って 背中を見送るしかできないのかスクールバスの方向は (真逆で)全速力で行くしかない後をつけちゃ (hey)カッコ悪い (yeah)もう息だって切れたさあ ドローン ドローン ドローン ドローンドローン ドローン空を飛べ!ここから君を 君を 君を 君を探してどこへでも...僕...

Ikutsunokoronimodoritainoka? Sakurazaka46

All day ずっと ソファーに寝そべってスマホを見てる非生産的日常あんたを見てると腹が立つ 一瞬 殺意さえ浮かぶ悩み一つないなんて 世の中 舐めてるんだろう?夕暮れのグラウンドで一人ピッチャーゴロに全力で走ってたあの日間に合う 間に合わないは 生きる答えじゃなく 僕のイノセンス自分が 何歳の頃に戻りたいか 記憶の目盛りの合わせ方を忘れた(Go on back)最高の日々は終わった?幸せな...

Nando lovesongnokashiwo yomikaeshitadarou Sakurazaka46

眠れない夜はいつでも君のことばかり考えるいいや でももしかしたら君を想うから眠れないのか妄想が止まらなくなってまるで映画の主人公自分でさえ気恥ずかしくなるシチュエーションは他人には言えない恋は絶対に癖になるね何度 love song の歌詞を読み返しただろう思い当たるフレーズに切なくなったきっと人は誰も同じなんだなこんな歌詞を書いた誰かの経験だ自分のこの想いをわかって欲しいと好きになった夜 ...

Aburawosase! Sakurazaka46

いつの間に錆び付いてしまったんだろう庭先に立て掛けていた僕の自転車忘れてたわけじゃないんだ目に見えない時間は勝手に過ぎる (woah)君のことだって 目を離した隙に (woah, woah)心のどこかが錆び付いていたってことさ歯車の嫌な音が 聴こえる恋がなぜだか上手く行かないなら油を注せばどうにかなるだろう構ってやらなかったのは僕の悪いとこなんだいつも近くで大切にしてたらピカピカのまま いら...

Manatsuninanika okirunokashira Sakurazaka46

風の向きが少し変わり空気感がどこか違ういつの間にか 強い日差し制服 脱ぎたくなる海へ行こうなんて予定クラスメイトたちと話しどんな水着買うか悩む今年の流行りは?あっという間だね サマータイムねえ ねえ ねえどうだろう?真夏に何か起きるのかしらソ・ワ・ソ・ワするけれど私たち女子高だから チャンスがないよね想像 膨らむだけ陽灼けなんかしたくないし海はちょっと面倒かもねだけど 何もしないなんてもった...

Kokoronokagee Sakurazaka46

タワーマンションの街いくつの窓に灯りが点いているだろうきっと幸せってのはこんな影絵みたいな幻だ愛について考えても答えは出ない好きだと言ってくれたあの夜を忘れられないけど自分から追いかけるのはやめたんだ君にその気がないなら振り向かせてみたって しょうがないいつの日にか 君の方から僕に会いに来いよ緩いRを描くエントランスのデザインが好きになれない来訪者を拒否する冷たさを感じてしまうんだそれは僕の...

Koihamuitenai Sakurazaka46

ずっとタイプと気にしてたそんなあなたからアプローチをされてマジで嬉しいのに 興味ないようなリアクションをしたのはなぜ?どういう顔すればいい経験が足りなくてWoh-wohLove isn't for me恋は向いてないDon't hit on me!好きだけどLove isn't for me恋は向いてない素直になれないだから don't woo me!恋は向いてない下手すぎる恋は向いてない今...

Nakasete hold me tight! Sakurazaka46

鎧の下はひ弱な心だった強靭なつもりで今まで戦って来たが情けないくらいにボロボロだったんだそれでも俺たちは何度も立ち上がる世界で一人だけ弱音吐けるのは愛する人しかいない泣かせてくれよおまえの両手で強く抱きしめて母親のように甘えたいのさ何だか疲れてしまったみたい涙をただ 拭って欲しいんだHold me tight! (何も言わず)Hold me tight! (しばらく)Hold me tigh...

Start over! Sakurazaka46

君は何か夢とかあるのかい?키미와 나니카 유메토카 아루노카이?너는 꿈같은 게 있어? いつかやりたいなって思うこと이츠카 야리타이 낫테 오모우 코토언젠간 해보고 싶다고 생각한 거든가だって生きてく理由はあるだろ?닷테 이키테쿠 리유우와 아루다로?하지만 분명 살아가는 이유는 있을 거잖아?明日はこうしたいなんて願望が・・・아시타와 코토시타이 난테 칸보우가내일은 이런 걸 하...

Seijyaku no bouryoku Sakurazaka46

静かすぎる時間は嫌い呼吸さえもできなくて星の降る夜なぜ 人恋しいのか灯りを消した部屋の天井は心の声 聴いてくれるあれこれ 弱音を思い浮かべても眠れないだけ目を閉じて何を夢見ればいい?静寂は一つの暴力だと思うこれ以上傷つけないでしーんとした無限の空間暗闇に 吸い込まれるように 全て 無になる光を否定された私のそばに誰かが(誰かが)あなたが(あなたが)いてくれたなら怖くない街はもう眠ったか?それ...

Kaze no oto Sakurazaka46

君がいなくなった 急に授業中に席を立って教室の後ろのドア大胆 正々堂々出て行く先生には 見えなかったの?それとも もう諦めたか?今すぐ僕も そうしたいけどそこまで勇気がなかった青い空が眩しい屋上君はこうして耳に手をやり近づいた僕に 指を当てた唇何を聴いていたかではなくて聴きたくない 何かあるんだろう?大人になるって面倒だ 色々な音 (混ざって)自分らしく生きるって難しい uh (風の音)何て...

Konbinahto Sakurazaka46

Tu-tu-tuTu-tu-tu隠れ場所と思ってたのにどうやらもう みんなにバレてる暗い水面の向こうを見渡す駐車スペース ただいま満車中どこかの car radioから聴こえて来るよ 真夜中のドア周りのことは忘れてさあ 世界の片隅二人だけさ キスをしようコンビナート 遠くに揺れるオレンジの灯り恋人は この場所に 集まって来るよ今も コンビナート眠らないやがて夜が明けて 白み星は消えてしまって...

Anthem time Sakurazaka46

It's anthem time誰が好きとか (誰が好きとか)関係ないよ (関係ないよ)咲いてる花を (咲いてる花を)選べるものか (選べるものか)たった一人ではなくみんなで頑張っている花たちを僕は応援する光が当たった場所とか当たらない場所もある一生懸命に 生きようとする美しさIt's anthem time声の限り さあ歌おう僕の君への想い 伝わるようにその汗がいつの日か花開くまで照らし続...

Isshun no uma Sakurazaka46

Wow, wow, wow, wow永遠はないと誰も知ってる僕たちも忘れられてくしあわせを感じる 今のこの瞬間さえ遠く曖昧な記憶だ君は一瞬の馬になれ目にも留まらぬくらい(You're gonna be a horse and go run faster than anything)感情のままに 全力で踊るんだ (走り抜けろ!)その伝説を 目撃させてくれ思い出になんて残らなくても今がよければそ...

Cool Sakurazaka46

大事なことなんて誰にも言っちゃダメなんだ중요한 일 따윈 누구에게도 말하면 안 돼自分の心飛び出せば一瞬で腐る내 마음이 튀어나오면 한순간에 썩어버려どんなキレイな言葉を選んだとしても아무리 아름다운 말로 표현해도悲しいくらい見苦しいものに変わる애달픈 정도로 보기 흉한 것으로 변해人間は誰も인간은 누구나愛を信じているのに사랑을 믿고 있는데도空気に触れちゃったら공기에 닿아버리면...

Sakurazuki Sakurazaka46

こんなに誰かを好きになったこと 今までなかった そんな気がするんだ이렇게나 다른 사람을 좋아한 적은 이때까지 없다는 그런 생각이 들어自分が傷つくことより 君を傷つけたくないって 思い込んでしまった내가 상처받는 것보다 너를 상처 주기 싫다고 생각해버렸어 最終のバスを待ってる間 そのタイミングは何度あっただろう마지막 버스를 타는 동안 그 타이밍은 몇 번이나 있었겠지寒さも感...

Shoninyokkyu Sakurazaka46

街中 溢れるデジタルサイネージ거리마다 넘치는 전자 광고판Oh Oh Oh Oh It’s so annoyingそんな一斉にメッセージされたって・・・그렇게 동시에 메세지를 보내도Oh Oh Oh Oh 聖徳太子か!Oh Oh Oh Oh 손이 수십개냐!世界はいつも 騒々しい세상은 언제나 시끄러워好き勝手 叫び続けてる자기 좋을 대로만 외치길 계속해(私が・僕が・俺が ジャン ジ...

Sukimakazeyo Sakurazaka46

雲ひとつない青空なんて구름 한 점 없는 푸른 하늘이라니残酷じゃないか잔인하지 않은가完璧なもの 見せつけられたら완벽한 것을 보여지면僕に逃げ場はない내게 도망칠 곳은 없어普通に幸せな日々평범한 행복한 날들何が不安なんだろう무엇이 불안한 걸까親とか教師には充分부모나 교사에게는 충분히期待に応えたよ기대에 부응했어「でも 本当はそんな하지만 사실은 그렇게ちゃんとできるような僕じゃ...

Drone This Ascension

seems that thingsgetting kind of roughguess I did not realizein timewhy, I ask whyhe doesn't trust mehe doesn't trustanybodystrange kind of lovemiddle of the daysun's beating raysthey hurt around m...

Drone David Garza

them black keys And push them pedals down Used to breathe blessings All around town Used to get down Used to get wild Used to get holy Used to start fires Used to harmonize with the stereo Now i just drone

Drone The American Scene

Whatever happened, happened Cut neck Casually keeping up with Killing it That's what you call it What you call this This is home This is known This is what you wanted As payment for all you've added to the drone

Drone Panda Bear

Now I see you again Now I feel you again Now I know you again

Drone 양진석

생각 보다 먼 길을 가는데뭐그리 힘들까 내앞의 길들100일과 1년 달라보여도하루하루가 똑같은 일상아아아내가 드론이 되어 날아보자구석구석 삶 내려다 보자날아올라 Journey 한눈에 보여그 또한 지나 고비의 순간생각 보다 먼 길을 가는데뭐그리 힘들까 내앞의 길들아아아내가 드론이 되어 날아보자구석구석 삶 내려다 보자날아올라 Journey (Fly Hig...

Pleasure Drone Helloween

Don't stick your head in the sand Don't you cry so much, it doesn't help Not with her picture in your hand Just when you lose your smiling face Gonna bring you to a special place, 'cause I'm a Drone

Drone Dream Various Artists

누구나 한번쯤 생각하지하늘에서 보는 우리집은 어떨까누구나 하늘을 날 수 있어비행기를 타고 날 수 있어우리집은 볼 수 없어비행기는 너무 높아작은 드론카메라,어디든 날아아름다운 시선멋진꿈드론 드림드론 드림드론 드림드론 드림이제는 우리집을 볼 수 있어내손 안에서 볼수있어손안에 무한한 자유어디든 내손안에 있어누구나 근두운을 탈 수 있어작은 드론카메라,어디든 ...

Moon Drone Gold The Mavis's

seen my eyes And you think you know But you haven't even seen my eyes So I crawl out the streets But you haven't even seen my eyes Where the moon drones and beats But you haven't even seen my eyes Moon drone

Drone Bomb Me Anohni

Drone bomb me Blow me from the mountains and into the sea Blow me from the side of the mountain Blow my head off explode my crystal guts Lay my purple on the grass I have a glint in my eye I think I wanna

The Sky Rider 라시드 (LASID)

높이 나는 새처럼 우린 언제나처럼 날 수 없기에 꾸밈 없기에 더욱 눈부신 저 하늘 향한 꿈 저 높이 날아가 내 꿈을 싣고 작은 날개 위로 해가 떠 올라 We are the Sky Rider 항상 꿈꾸고 싶어 We are the Sky Rider The drone controller on my hand The drone in the sky The dream

Negative Creep (Live In Seattle, WA., October 31, 1991) Nirvana

This is out of our reach... and it's grown This is getting to be... drone I'm a negative creep and I'm stoned!

Crisis Anohni

Crisis If I killed your father With a drone bomb How would you feel Crisis If I killed your mother With a drone bomb How would you feel Father If I killed your children With a drone bomb How would you

I Am With Name David Bowie

I am with name, I am with name, I am Ramona A Stone A night filled female Good timing drone I am with name I am with name sleepy now Your silhouette is so stationary You're released but your

Tupperware Queen Beautiful South

was built on hindsight Then you surely would have seen You were joining hands With the Tupperware Queen Yes, you gave a groan When I took that throne But can you choose a queen When you behave like a drone

Three Minute Hero (Live At Tic Toc Club, Coventry, UK) The Selecter

They asked you if you`re alright You say yes But all the time you know It`s a mess It`s 5 pm and you`re on your way home Just another day with that endless grey drone Three minute hero I wanna be a three

Zombie Issermann

shadows are long Tired and overgrown It started with a song Now we’re just a hum We dance, we bleed And we’re just starting over I feel zombie It’s all just washing over me I’m here alone Stuck in a drone

Rockstar Bebe (Explicit Ver.) Stoph Bjornson

sing Cause that's what we like Oh no Now I have to place the bass ahh As soon as realizing playing and singing isn't always that easy But'n like exzerzik going on dmn dingndingn comfortzone N n n n n n drone

Drive Fm drone service

hello let`s drive hello let`s drive drive drive hello let`s drive hello let`s drive hello let`s drive drive! drive hello let`s drive

. . . You Give Up bad religion

you're stuck in the drone, of being alone you turn to light, but all you get is darkness your head turns to stone, your numbness has grown you're stuck inside your little world of rejects the good

Hold My Life The Replacements

Well, well, well I Screwed my life down on all fives let me crawl if I want I could die Time for decisions to be made Crack up in the sun, lose it in the shade Razzle, dazzle, drazzle, drone, time for

The Good Hand Woven Hand

shelter 'neath the familiar tree I'm livin' where I come from I am, I am a father's son See the good hand, see what the good hand done Leave it lye, let it go to ruin To be blown thin by the wind A heavy drone

Me vs Ai (Feat. CONY, YUZ) (Speed up ver.) 아츠 (A:rth)

a spotlight I ju hit that perc 머릿속이 계속 아파와 I’m on a cyber 감정을 제거 Me vs Ai Me, Ai winner Pull up in scene we go up on a spotlight I ju hit that perc 머릿속이 계속 아파와 I’m on a cyber 감정을 제거 Me vs AI I’m on a drone

VALERIE Emmylou Harris

factories stand Like fire-breathing dragons against the sky And from their throats a scarlet river Burns itself into smoky lullabies Over neon and fluorescent skies Valerie, can you hear those engines drone

Valerie Patti Scialfa

factories stand Like fire-breathing dragons against the sky And from their throats a scarlet river Burns itself into smoky lullabies Over neon and fluorescent skies Valerie, can you hear those engines drone

Valerie Linda Ronstadt, Emmylou Harris

factories stand Like fire breathing dragons against the sky And from their throats a scarlet river Burns itself into smoky lullabies Over neon and fluorescent skies Valerie can you hear those engines drone

Another Stranger Me Blind Guardian

Here it comes - the real me I didn't know I could hear the answer My mind is blank, I feel a drone Alone at night but somehow There is someone else Another stranger me!

Psycho Muse

on my command And asks no questions I\'m gonna make you I\'m gonna break you I\'m gonna make you A fucking psycho A fucking psycho A fucking psycho Your ass belongs to me now Are you a human drone

Bliss Heavy Hearts

You're just a drone Moving back and forth I don't know who's side you're on It's hard to hallucinate Connections with my friends And then you'll fade From the shape you take We can't talk about it Until

The Claws Of Time Darkthrone

Deathsane Necrohatred By Angels Beneath the Cruust Shredding Moans Pretenders of Sorrow Elder Perserverance Learns Fakers of Deathyearns Killed by Tomorrow Mind Spoiled Innards Corrode Merciless Grind Drone

Me vs Ai (Feat. CONY, YUZ) 아츠 (A:rth)

a spotlight I ju hit that perc 머릿속이 계속 아파와 I’m on a cyber 감정을 제거 Me vs Ai Me, Ai winner Pull up in scene we go up on a spotlight I ju hit that perc 머릿속이 계속 아파와 I’m on a cyber 감정을 제거 Me vs AI I’m on a drone

Hive Destruction Isis

is collapsing upon itself This isnt over in fact it's just begun hive desgtruction imminet cover your face and run Lies are flling fall from wings the walls are seething seething with disease The drone

Psycho Muse(뮤즈)

my command And asks no questions I\'m gonna make you I\'m gonna break you I\'m gonna make you A fucking psycho A fucking psycho A fucking psycho Your ass belongs to me now Are you a human drone