Raise a voice, make a glorious noise
Cry aloud, all in one accord
Lift a shout, hail the King above all Kings
Sing to God, glory in His Name
Hear it rise, all who breathe partake
Let it ring! Make His praises glorious!
Come and taste, come and see
The Lord is good
Come awake! Come alive!
Worship with trembling
Raise a voice, make a glorious noise
Cry aloud, all in one accord
Lift a shout, hail the King above all Kings
Sing to God, glory in His Name
Hear it rise, As all who breathe partake
Let it ring! Make His praises glorious!
Raise a voice, make a noise
Cry aloud, lift up a shout!
Come with reverence, come with awe
For He is God
Come engage! Come respond!
To His matchless worth