The Road Ahead

앨범 : AXIOM
작사 : Tim Butler
작곡 : Tim Butler
편곡 : PYLOT
Dragged down by the tears and the shame
I'm wading in the depths in a sea of pain
I'll turn my pain into power, my fear to faith
Find a way to heal, rise up and escape
I wont let the shadows define who i am
Walking through the fire ill take a stand
Taking the road ahead
Driving fast on this lonely highway
Letting go of the things that burn me
Putting the past behind me
Letting go of the things that bind me
Taking the road ahead
Facing life head on
With my heart as a guide
I'll conquer my fears
And reach for the skies
I'll turn my pain into power, my fear to faith
Find a way to heal, rise up and escape
I wont let the shadows define who i am
Walking through the fire ill take a stand
Taking the road ahead
Driving fast on this lonely highway
Letting go of the things that burn me
Putting the past behind me
Letting go of the things that bind me
Taking the road ahead
I'll change my pain to power
I'll change my fear to faith
I'll change my pain to power
I'll change my fear to faith
I'll change my pain to power
I'll change my fear to faith
I'll change my pain to power
I'll change my fear to faith
Theres a road ahead unchartered land
Theres a road ahead unchartered land
Theres a road ahead unchartered land
Theres a road ahead unchartered land

그외 검색된 가사들

가수 노래제목
City to City The Road Ahead
PYLOT Invisible (feat. Ezra Hyte)
PYLOT Time Bomb (feat. Tyler Lyle)
PYLOT Lines of Code (feat. Tim Hutch)
ORANGE RANGE (오렌지 렌지) ミチシルベ ~A Road Home~ / Michi Shirube ~A Road Home~ (이정표 ~A Road Home~)
Orange Range ミチシルベ ~A Road Home~ / Michi Shirube ~A Road Home~ (이정표 ~A Road Home~)
Deen 明日へのOff Road (내일로의 Off Road)
Mary Chapin Carpenter A Road Is Just A Road
Vamps Ahead
Fireflight Go Ahead
The Like One Step Ahead
Disciple Go Ahead
Orson So Ahead Of Me
Winger Right Up Ahead
하현우 Go Ahead
Atlat순수 Go Ahead
Folder5 Go Ahead!!
Aliasing Go Ahead

가사 수정 / 삭제


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