Let’s go to the market with alphabet monsters!
Market, market, oh, so many things to buy!
Market, market, we love the market,
What are the alphabet monsters buying?
Monster M is buying milk. Milk! M-I-L-K!
Monster A is buying an apple. Apple! A-P-P-L-E!
Monster R is buying rice. Rice! R-I-C-E!
Now, let's pay!
Let’s go to the market with alphabet monsters!
Market, market, oh, so many things to buy!
Market, market, we love the market,
What are the alphabet monsters buying?
Monster K is buying a kiwi. Kiwi! K-I-W-I!
Monster E is buying eggs. Eggs! E-G-G!
Monster T is buying a tomato. Tomato! T-O-M-A-T-O!
Now, let's pay!
Let’s go to the market with alphabet monsters!
Market, market, oh, so many things to buy!
Market, market, we love the market,
What are the alphabet monsters buying?