“I need to help those animals!”
Sick, sick lion
Did you break your teeth?
I am a vet
I’ll take care of you
Brush your dirty teeth
Repair broken ones
Rest poor lion
You’ll get well soon
Sick, sick penguin
Did you catch a cold?
I am a vet
I’ll take care of you
Take your medicine
Put on a blanket
Rest poor penguin
You’ll get well soon
Sick, sick puppy
Why are you itchy?
I am a vet
I’ll take care of you
Take a clean bath
Apply medicine
Rest poor puppy
You’ll get well soon
Lalala Lala
Lala Lala
Lalala Lala
Lala Lala
Lalala Lala
Lala Lala
Don’t worry I will take care of you