Llenni ar Gloi
Mae'r llenni ar gloi, mae'r llenni ar gloi
Mae'r llenni ar gloi, mae'r llenni ar gloi
Mae'r mam wedi marw, mae'r llenni ar gloi
Mae'r llenni ar gloi, mae'r llenni ar gloi
Paid a siarad fel na, mae na gobaith yn dy dwylo
Paid siarad fel na
Mae na gobaith i'r rhai fwyaf salw
Mae'n uchel ar cyffuriau
A mae fe'n isel ar egwyddorion
Paid siarad fel na, mae na gobaith yn dy dwylo
Mae'n uchel ar cyffuriau
A mae fe'n isel ar egwyddorion
Paid siarad fel na, mae na gobaith i pawb
Mae'r llenni ar gloi
Paid siarad fel na, mae na gobaith i dy teulu
Mae'n uchel ar egwyddorion
A mae fe'n isel ar cyffuriau
Mae'r llenni ar gloi
Curtains are closed
The curtains are closed, the curtains are closed
The curtains are closed, the curtains are closed
The mother has died, the curtains are closed
The curtains are closed, the curtains are closed
Don't talk like that, there's hope in your hands
Don't talk like that
There's hope for the ugliest
He's high on drugs
And he's low on principles
Don't talk like that, there's hope in your hands
He's high on drugs
And he's low on principles
Don't talk like that, there's hope for everyone
The curtains are closed
Don't talk like that, there's hope for your family
He's high on principles
And he's low on drugs
The curtains are closed