Children with black candles lit
They enter the church in
cold and silence
A child is smiling with his arms crossed
The other child writes the Bible in blood
Several children are already dead
They cross the Bloody River
to meet the woman
The red god, the black woman
They're the ones who
brought the children
The spell has begun
It's a dark, dirty spell
He sacrificed a child for wealth
The woman sheds tears
A child is screaming
The other child is already dead
No arms, no legs, just the torso
Even that body is being
eaten by a woman
The man says they all go to God
A man gives a new life, not a death
God brings everyone to a more
wonderful world
He's faking his own words
The man says
``We take your body,
he takes your soul
The soul is reaped by God."
The river where the children came from
was made of children's blood
The screams ov all the
children died down
It was all dedicated to God
The god's name is Lucifer
He makes the children do black magic
Children grow up to be demons
It's killing someone else to protect itself
from depression
If they kill 666 people,
Children commit suicide
They gain freedom
by committing suicide
Falling alone into an extremely
depressing abyss
They're all alone,
In the cold and the pain
This cycle continues